Misting system sprays are generally effective for a couple of hours after each spray. Most systems are programmed to spray several times a day. Fogging lasts only for the duration of the treatment. Barrier treatments last up to 21 days with the most effective products. Barrier treatments include management of the water on the property, directly affecting the source of the population.
Misting systems are useful for eliminating active adult mosquitoes within immediate range of the nozzles. This means that mosquitoes out of range will not be affected. Mosquito larvae are not impacted by this system. They also kill many other insects in the area, which can include butterflies, bees, and other pollinators important to the environment.
The barrier system also eliminates active adults, but additionally prevents future adults from emerging. The service is usually combined with larva control treatment so both the adults and larvae are destroyed. The technicians are trained to avoid flowering plants and bodies of water that may contain fish. Other natural products are generally used in these areas to repel mosquitoes towards areas where they can be killed without impacting the pollinators and beneficial insects.